Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Where I Have Been

I know I know. Why am I not cooking and writing about it? You poor neglected blog readers. It turns out I have dozens of magazines around the house that I need to recycle. Remember kids…recycle! I am a rabid recycler so if you need tips, let me know. Sorry, a little side note.

So I have all of these magazines and I know that there maybe a handful of recipes in each that I want to keep. I started going through them a few weeks ago but life is funny. It takes you in different directions and you get distracted. So these few dozen magazines have turned into piles of ‘gone through, tore out recipes, recycle’, ‘keep because there is too much to throw out’, and ‘still need to look through.’

I have learned much about myself through this process (besides knowing I’m a packrat). I’ve learned I have my comfort cooking, my light cooking, and the need to explore cooking. So my newest goal is to start cooking outside of not only my comfort level, but outside of the family’s taste level. More to come on that but…a funny thing happened with veggies…

I love having food brought to me. My office participates in Fruit My Cube. These wonderful souls bring fruit to any of us health lovers who want fruit but are too busy (o.k. lazy) to go to the store and buy it. Now that spring has sprung they have incorporated the Market Crate bringing fresh veggies to my office and inspiring me to make my dinner plate at least 50% veg. It also makes me think about interesting ways to bring veggies to the table. Keep in mind I live with a carnivore and a carbivore. Veggies are good to them but they like corn, peas, green beans, and broccoli. We need more options.

In my latest Market Crate, I received a head of cauliflower. I will eat cauliflower raw even without ranch…who doesn’t love ranch. But I wanted to challenge my family. Turns out those corn, peas, green beans, broccoli loving people love roasted cauliflower. And I have been asked to make it again. Gladly!

I could probably live happily as a sometimes vegetarian with a burger indulgence here and there but that doesn’t fit into my real life. So I cook meat, I devour carbs, and I work on bringing more veggies into my home. Right now I have more veggies than actually fit in the veg drawer of my fridge so they are nipped and, lovingly, tucked. I must find a way to serve them. I will. Happily. And let’s hope the new found cauliflower lovers in the house find that same appreciation for other veggies. Veg out!

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