When he got a little more coordinated he started to help me pour ingredients into a bowl. I found that just a little bit of participation really gave him an investment in what we were eating and he tended to eat more. Fortunately, William has always been a good eater but watching his enthusiasm for eating what he "prepared" has always been cool to watch. One of my favorite memories was a night when William got to choose and help prepare our dinner. He chose boxed mac 'n cheese and hot dogs. He was still pretty small so we went along with it. The only problem was he got a little too possessive and would barely let us eat anything.
But we pressed on. William's favorite meal to prepare is pizza. And I love the Chef Boyardee pizza kits to help with this venture. It allows us to mix the dough and for him to press out his own dough. At first we had to be a little more ready made though.

And baking, my goodness baking. What kid doesn't like a nice baked good. I rarely have to twist William's arm to get him to help bake something.
Now that he's a little older and more discerning I'm working on teaching him about healthy choices. It's so satisfying to see him at the grocery store smelling and choosing fresh fruit and vegetables. To this mom it seem like we're on the right track.